Well Being is here to promote the blossoming of higher consciousness on Earth. What exactly do we mean by that? Simply put, we opened Well Being from a heart-centered place, with the intention of bringing love and healing light into the world.
We recognize that this is a time of great fear, confusion and instability. The forces of greed and corruption, along with a blatant disregard for the environment, have brought the Earth to a tipping point. Political forces have deeply divided us, causing anger and hatred to flare up on both sides of the spectrum. Our imagined future, long assumed to be bright and prosperous, is beginning to appear dark and dangerous in our mind's eye. As a result, people are more stressed out and anxious than ever before. The high levels of stress we are experiencing typically causes a fight-or-flight reaction. Our first instinct is to run away from our problems. Perhaps we should all move to Canada and stick our heads in the sand? While this option does have its allure, running away is not going to solve any problems in the long run. The other instinct we feel is the instinct to fight. As a result, our fists clench, our jaws tighten, and our breathing becomes shallow and constricted. It's as if we are preparing ourselves for battle. Channeling this aggression and anger in positive ways offers us a certain amount of catharsis, but afterwards the same baseline feelings of frustration, dissatisfaction and disconnection remain at the core of our beings. It is becoming clear that, for consciousness to blossom on Earth, we are going to have to up our game. It's time to activate! We need to recognize that the dysfunction we see in the 'outer world' is a reflection of the collective imbalance we are experiencing in our 'inner world.' With all the problems we are facing, the best thing we can do right now is raise our vibration to the point where we can shine our light even brighter than ever. Now is not the time to live in fear of the darkness. Now, more than ever, is the time to activate our inner light. It's as simple as tuning into your breath, releasing any grip inside your abdomen, and then allowing the breath to flow freely in and out of the heart center. By practicing heart-centered awareness, we shift our baseline frequency away from the energy of fear and we consciously tranform that energy into love. This shift, while subtle, can have amazing positive consequences both for your personal life and for society as a whole. At Well Being, we offer a third reaction to chronic, modern day stress that is beyond the fight-or-flight reaction. The third way is nothing short of a conscious evolution for the mind, body and soul. It involves taking the necessary steps to raise your vibratory frequency. This is the intention behind all of the products and services we have chosen to offer to our community. Whether you get a massage, take a yoga class, attend a workshop, or purchase an inspired gift from us, the intention is always the same- to raise your baseline energetic frequency so that you may lead a happier, healthier, more balanced existence. As Ghandi once told us, we must be the change that we want to see in the world. Therefore, we really can change the world by dedicating ourselves, first and foremost, to radiant health and wellness. By cultivating a sound mind, a healthy body and a loving soul we are actively particpating in a conscious revolution here on Earth. By raising our personal vibration, we are helping to raise the collective vibration of all mankind. Be the change! Let the revolution begin!
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About The AuthorNick Hughes is a massage therapist, yoga instructor and co-owner of Well Being. Influenced by the ideas of Alan Watts, Eckhart Tolle, Ram Dass, and Deepak Chopra, Nick presents his unique take on human existence with the goal of helping others live a happier life. Archives
February 2025
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