Life is an incredible gift that ought to be celebrated with joyous enthusiasm. Unfortunately, our common life experience has become less of a daily celebration and more of a daily chore. Instead of rejoicing in the miracle of existence, we spend most of our time complaining that we are running out of energy. We understand that the universe is this infinitely big, amazing place, but it doesn’t really matter because we’re still so tired. Generally speaking, people of the world are bored, stressed out and, in many cases, completely exhausted. At any given moment, I think the majority of us would rather just drop whatever it is we’re doing and go back to sleep.
When we are busy being tired all the time, we are not able to experience and appreciate the many joys of being awake. This is because, when we are tired, simply being awake and conscious feels like a drain on our resources. We find ourselves sleepwalking through life, faking it the best we can, secretly craving our warm cozy bed and the sweet release of unconsciousness. Meanwhile, daily life becomes a series of inconvenient tasks that we must somehow struggle through so that we can finally get back into our bed where we really belong. Inevitably, morning arrives, and we struggle just to open our eyes. For some, a steady stream of caffeine is the only way to fend off sleep and make it through the day. There has got to be a way to break out of this unhealthy cycle. What can we do to cultivate our energy so that we are no longer so worn-out all the time? Here are three easy ways to increase your vital energy right now. 1. Wake up. Being awake is easy. In truth, the eternal present moment is all there is and all there will ever be. Everything else is just the endless fluctuations of your mind. If you find that the fundamental act of being awake and alive is a drain on your energy, then you're doing it wrong. Simply being present and alert, opening your eyes and ears and paying attention to what's happening shouldn't be a drain on your energy. If it was, then listening to music on your stereo would be a tiresome task. You would only be able to listen to a certain number of songs before having to take a nap. If you want to access the boundless energy of the present moment, simply center yourself. Allow the fluctuations of your mind to come to a still point. So much of your mental and emotional energy is wasted rehashing past events and anticipating moments that have yet to transpire. You toil away inside your mind all day long, judging your experience as either good or bad, right or wrong etc. You cling to the experiences that bring you pleasure while avoiding anything that may cause discomfort. Waking up means letting your mind rest. It means being comfortable in your body, peaceful in your mind and at ease in the present moment. 2. Release control. Only when you release control over the flow of life will you be able to find inner peace. Once you let go, no matter what happens, it’s all perfectly okay. You drop all resistance to the flow of events in your life, being at peace with whatever takes place in this moment. It’s the difference between a person that falls into a river and starts thrashing against the current, and a person who falls into the same river but quickly realizes that resistance is futile, so they simply relax and resolve to be at peace with wherever the current takes them. Both of these people are going to end up in exactly the same place, but which one do you think will get tired first? 3. Realize that you are made of energy. How can you possibly complain about being tired when you are literally made of energy? Well, technically speaking, you are made of matter but, as Einstein taught us when he wrote the equation E = mc2, matter is made of energy. Just how much energy are you made of? Well, to begin with, consider that the human body consists of over 37 trillion cells. Imagine all of these trillions of tiny cells working in unison to create the unique experience of you. Each one of your 37 trillion cells is alive and actively creating energy within. If you were able to tap into your own cellular energy, you would never feel tired again. If your cellular energy is not enough to convince you that your energy is boundless, then what about your atomic energy? After all, a single cell consists of about 100 trillion atoms. As we know, each one of these atoms contains an enormous amount of energy. Think about how much energy is released when an atom is split. ln the case of a hydrogen bomb, it doesn't require much matter to create a huge explosion. In fact, the amount of matter used as fuel inside a hydrogen bomb is less than a third of the mass of a single dime. Meanwhile the energy released by the subsequent explosion after splitting those atoms is equal to between 15-20 Kilotons of TNT. Which is a staggering amount of energy for such a small amount of hydrogen. Now consider that you are also made of atoms. In fact, the human body consists of over seven billion billion billion atoms. Imagine if every one of your atoms were to spontaneously split apart. The amount of energy released in that explosion would be unthinkable- you would literally light up the world! Keep that in mind next time you feel like you don't have enough energy. When you learn to draw from the boundless energy that you consist of, your well will never be empty again.
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About The AuthorNick Hughes is a massage therapist, yoga instructor and co-owner of Well Being. Influenced by the ideas of Alan Watts, Eckhart Tolle, Ram Dass, and Deepak Chopra, Nick presents his unique take on human existence with the goal of helping others live a happier life. Archives
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